Water Pathways to Reduce Energy Use and GHG Emissions

Venue: Water Pavilion – Hosted by UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate and 50L Home Coalition
Date: 3 November 2021
Time: 16:30-17:30 GMT

Description: 50L Home and CEO Water Mandate will collaborate in delivering a session exploring recent research and actions in integrating water as a system that is relevant to achieve climate mitigation in cities. Energy is integral to all aspects of water management and use — including the collection, treatment, delivery, and heating of water as well as wastewater management. This energy footprint also has implications for the emissions of greenhouse gases, and has have been largely overlooked in policy discussions about climate mitigation. This session highlights new research and initiatives that illustrate substantial opportunities to reduce water-related energy use and GHG emissions through water efficiency, system decarbonization, better selection of water supply and treatment options, and electrification of key components of the water system. In addition to their mitigation benefits, most of these strategies also support water resilience.


Kate Gallego, Mayor of Phoenix, Arizona
Heather Cooley, Director of Research, Pacific Institute
Lena Pripp-Kovac – Chief Sustainability Officer, Inter IKEA Group
Anusha Shah, Resilient Cities Director, Arcadis
Braulio Eduardo Morera, 50L Home Director, WBCSD (Moderator)

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