WBCSD on the Glasgow Climate Pact 

COP26 will be seen as an inflection point for global climate recovery.

WBCSD welcomes the final agreement and progress made in key areas, such as the phase-out of inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, the phase-down of coal, and the requirement for Parties to update their Nationally Determined Contributions ahead of COP27 in Egypt.

This COP has been like none other.

We have seen that alongside the core negotiations, public-private co-operation has delivered great progress.

As the premier global, CEO-led community of the world’s leading sustainable businesses, we have been proud witnesses of the leadership the private sector has shown on climate action in Glasgow.

However, more must be done if we are to achieve a net zero, nature positive and equitable future for 9+ billion people to live, within planetary boundaries, by 2050.

We firmly believe that if we are to hold temperature rises to 1.5°C, we need to make the annual COPs inclusive for all and recognize the crucial role of public and private sector collaboration to deliver results.

That is why ahead of COP27, through our Business Manifesto for Climate Recovery, we are calling for the development of a new global framework of Corporate Determined Contributions to capture business progress and delivery against their targets, ambitions and aims.

WBCSD Events at COP26

COP26 in Glasgow has represented a milestone moment to accelerate business leadership and was met by unprecedented level of interest from all stakeholders. We brought in a collective business voice and demonstrated the leading role our members play in driving real economy action and accelerating climate recovery. An overview of our recorded live events can be watched below.

Automotive Carbon Emissions: Accountability for collective Action

Automotive Carbon Emissions: Accountability for collective Action

A net-zero circular water future for cities

A net-zero circular water future for cities

Building on COP Reception

Building on COP Reception

Built Environment Market Transformation

Built Environment Market Transformation

Diets, Climate and Nature: the role of what we eat in a 1.5°C Future

Diets, Climate and Nature: the role of what we eat in a 1.5°C Future

Forests & forest product innovation for an inclusive net-zero economy

Forests & forest product innovation for an inclusive net-zero economy

From the Ground Up – Soil health for climate change mitigation and food system transformation

From the Ground Up – Soil health for climate change mitigation and food system transformation

Future-fit utilities and the Electric Mobility Revolution

Future-fit utilities and the Electric Mobility Revolution

Green the Global Grids

Green the Global Grids

Greening India’s Power Grid

Greening India’s Power Grid

Investors’ role in the race to zero: How to shift building investments towards Paris-alignment

Investors’ role in the race to zero: How to shift building investments towards Paris-alignment

Invest in Nature Positive Land Use

Invest in Nature Positive Land Use

Launch: Indian business leaders call for a national EV ambition

Launch: Indian business leaders call for a national EV ambition

Make Coal History

Make Coal History

MPGCA – Building a better world together: Accelerating deep collaboration for Built Environment climate action – UK Presidency Event

MPGCA – Building a better world together: Accelerating deep collaboration for Built Environment climate action – UK Presidency Event

MPGCA Cities, Regions and Built Environment Action Day – Leading collaborative action in the Built Environment

MPGCA Cities, Regions and Built Environment Action Day – Leading collaborative action in the Built Environment

MPGCA Industry Action Event: Driving Industry Ambition and Action to Deliver Net-zero by 2050 and Build Climate Resilience

MPGCA Industry Action Event: Driving Industry Ambition and Action to Deliver Net-zero by 2050 and Build Climate Resilience

Net-zero buildings: Where do we stand?

Net-zero buildings: Where do we stand?

Presidency event: Ministers and Mayors on buildings as a critical climate solution

Presidency event: Ministers and Mayors on buildings as a critical climate solution

Robust Accounting and Transparent Emissions Reporting to Drive Industry Transition

Robust Accounting and Transparent Emissions Reporting to Drive Industry Transition

Scaling up Private Sector Action for Natural Climate Solutions

Scaling up Private Sector Action for Natural Climate Solutions

TDA & WBCSD co-hosted event: Without-it nothing moves

TDA & WBCSD co-hosted event: Without-it nothing moves

The Business Case for Circular Buildings

The Business Case for Circular Buildings

The Retail Roadmap to a Net-Zero Breakthrough

The Retail Roadmap to a Net-Zero Breakthrough

The Roadmap to Net-zero with Hydrogen

The Roadmap to Net-zero with Hydrogen

Understanding business contributions to nature-positive

Understanding business contributions to nature-positive

Water Pathways to Reduce Energy Use and GHG

Water Pathways to Reduce Energy Use and GHG

Water and Mitigation: From Science to Climate Action

Water and Mitigation: From Science to Climate Action

WBCSD Business Manifesto for Climate Recovery Launch

WBCSD Business Manifesto for Climate Recovery Launch

WBCSD & PwC – Reaching Net Zero through Supply Chain Incentives

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