Marrakech Partnership steel breakthrough: From insight to action in this critical decade
Location: Room Lotus (UNFCCC Action Zone)
Host: Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, organized by Mission Possible Partnership, WBCSD and the UN High-Level Climate Champions
Date: 11 November 2022
Time: 14:30 – 16:00 EET
Description: This Implementation Lab of the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, organized by Mission Possible Partnership, WBCSD and the UN High-Level Champions, will offer a deep-dive into how the steel sector can take critical decarbonization steps in this decade to get on track to achieve the Steel Breakthrough in line with the 1.5°C aligned Industry Action Pathway. It will consider the latest analysis on what is needed across technology, policy, finance and the demand levers to get low-carbon steel plants in the ground around the world – and how action can be accelerated and scaled across regions, in particular, emerging markets and developing economies.
- Annie Heaton | CEO ResponsibleSteel (Moderator)
- James Mnyupe | Green Hydrogen Commissioner, Namibia
- James Streater | Group Head Sustainable Development, ArcelorMittal
- Lord Adair Turner | Chair of the Energy Transitions Commission
- Maria Persson Gulda | Chief Project Officer and Chief Technology Officer, H2 Green Steel
- Nigel Topping | COP26 High-Level Climate Action Champion
- Nili Gilbert | Vice-Chairwoman, Carbon Direct
- Ralf Pfitzner | Head of Sustainability, Volkswagen Group
- Sumant Sinha | Chairman and Managing Director, ReNew Power
- Zoe Knight | Group Head of the HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance
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