Impact on the ground: How can we mobilize value chain action at scale on agriculture for a 1.5-degree pathway?
Location: Auditorium A, Business Pavilion, Blue Zone (Zone C, Area 5, lot n. 118)
Date: 12 November 2022
Time: 12:15 – 13:00 (EET)
Description: To achieve global climate commitments, urgent action is needed to halt commodity-driven deforestation. This session will focus on how commodity-producing landscapes can be positively transformed for climate, nature and social goals, and how a forest positive sector transformation can be achieved. To showcase how real action can be implemented, this session will launch different initiatives linked to the production of key agricultural products in critical landscapes. Following a multi-stakeholder approach, different representatives will come together to discuss how they will collaborate to make action happen on the ground and what is needed to further scale efforts.
- Barbara Baarsma, CEO, Rabo Carbon Bank, Rabobank
- Dale Hardcastle, Head Carbon Markets & Nature Based Solutions, Bain & Company
- Diane Holdorf, Executive Vice President Pathways, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
- Fernando Sampaio, Executive Director, PCI Institute
- Jack Hurd, Executive Director, Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA), World Economic Forum
- Magdi Batato, Executive Vice President, Global Head of Operations, Nestlé
- Murilo Parada, Chief Sustainability Officer & Head North Latin America Region, Louis Dreyfus Company
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