About Nutrition for Growth Summit
The Tokyo 2021 Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, taking place on 7-8 December, is a global effort to bring together country governments, donors and philanthropies, businesses, NGOs and beyond on issue of malnutrition. Hosted by the Government of Japan, N4G comes at a critical time, halfway through the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, with just four years left to achieve the World Health Assembly (WHA) nutrition targets, and with just nine years remaining to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This is a strong call to business leaders to take action today and step up for better nutrition, while taking into account deep and complex interlinks between agriculture, land use, biodiversity loss, equitable livelihoods and healthy diets. We need a regenerative and equitable food system producing healthy, safe and nutritious food for all in order to ensure the highest attainable standards of health and wellbeing for everyone. Only if we consider the system in its totality, taking into account all elements and relationships to develop holistic solutions to malnutrition and climate change, we will be able to reach our vision for 9+ billion people to live well, within planetary boundaries by 2050 (WBCSD, Vision 2050).
Business contribution to the Summit
WBCSD has been appointed as the only business voice representing the private sector on the N4G Advisory Group. In collaboration with members of the N4G Business Constituency Group, WBCSD developed the Responsible Business Pledge for Better Nutrition, expected to receive numerous commitments at the N4G Summit.
Business expectations from the Summit
Throughout the past months, the private sector has stepped up its leadership and commitments for Better Diets and Food Systems Transformation. Both the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) and the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth Summit 2021 (N4G) and have galvanized business action on nutrition and supported the development of new methods and frameworks for business to help transform diets for better nutritional and planetary outcomes.
N4G is a global pledging moment to drive unprecedented, coordinated, and impactful commitments on nutrition and to help ensure everyone, everywhere can reach their full potential.
Companies now have the opportunity to show their leadership on the critical issue of malnutrition by signing up to the Responsible Business Pledge for Better Nutrition and making three SMART commitments in line with the N4G Principles of Engagement .
WBCSD events at the Summit
Throughout the coming weeks, governments, philanthropies, civil society organizations and businesses around the world will host N4G side events to share progress and accelerate global leadership on nutrition. These events will mobilize commitments at regional, national and global levels.
WBCSD will be involved in N4G-accredited side events seen below:
WBCSD co-organized events
Introducing the N4G Business Constituency Group: How business is stepping up to tackle malnutrition
Date: 29 November, 1-2 pm CET
Responsible Business Pledge for Better Nutrition: Business commits to tackling malnutrition
Date: 6 December, 2-3:30 pm CET
Host: WBCSD, IFBA, The Food Foundation
Past events
SMART private sector workforce nutrition commitments: Leveraging the workplace to bring improved nutrition to millions of employees
Date: 16 November, 10 am CET
Host: GAIN, CGF, GoJ
From Nutrition Commitments to Action: The Importance of a Coalition for Action on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems for Children and All in this the Decade of Action on Nutrition
Date: 23 November, 2 pm CET
Scaling up the contribution of SMEs to nutrition – tools and SUN Business Network case studies
Date: 23 November, 10 am CET
A food systems approach to Nutrition for Growth: mobilizing the best of the climate, agriculture, and farming communities in support of better nutrition
Date: 1 Dec, 1 pm CET
Host: FOLU partners including WBCSD, GAIN, AGRA, WRI
Preventing malnutrition among the most vulnerable communities in the context of climate change and biodiversity loss
Date: 1 Dec, 1 pm CET
Host: Global Environmental Facility, FAO + WBCSD as speaker
Accountability for action: Breaking down barriers to strong commitment making
Date: 2 Dec, 12 pm CET
Host: GNR, ATNI, Results UK + WBCSD as speaker
Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition: Partnering to Accelerate Delivery of Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation (MMS)
Date: 24 November, 8 am CET
Host: DSM, World Vision, Sight & Life
Private Sector Nutrition Action: Data to inform commitments on Supply Chain Workforce Nutrition
Date: 25 November, 10 am CET
Host: ATNI, GAIN, Government of Bangladesh
Institutional Investors for Nutrition, Diets and Health – a case study presentation
Date: 30 November, 10 am CET
Host: ATNI
Creating a Healthier Food Landscape in Asia
Date: 1 Dec, 9 am CET
Host: FIA
Peas Please Initiative
Date: 1 Dec, 11 am CET
Host: The Food Foundation
Transforming food systems for better nutrition, health, and prosperity
Date: 6 Dec, 9 am CET
Mobilizing intergenerational action to create sustainable food systems and healthy diets for all
Date: 6 Dec, 11 am CET
Host: Action4Food Action4Change, GAIN, EAT, The Food Foundation, World Food Forum
Building sustainable "healthy diets" and "food systems" - Aiming to improve nutritional literacy that leads to behavior modification
Date: 7 Dec, 9:30 am CET
Host: Ajinomoto + WBCSD as speaker
Counting the True Cost: How understanding the real cost of food can improve nutrition for all
Date: 9 December, 12:30 pm CET
Key WBCSD publications in support of the Summit
Related news and articles
Useful external links
Emily Grady
Senior Manager, FReSH
Camilla De Nardi
Associate, FReSH