15 March 2022, 16:00 – 17:00 CET
This session was an exciting opportunity to bring together participants from across the animal protein value chain and to discuss critical issues of data availability and robustness, scope 3 emissions accounting, consumer trust, and our shared responsibility to work together to remain within the planetary boundaries.
We already have great examples of best practices shared by panelists in this session- whether this be the innovative examples of consumer engagement by Google, the systems of transparency and traceability being implemented by ADM, or Maple Leaf Foods working with their suppliers to adopt regenerative practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere. The challenge is now to collaborate and scale such practices across the sector!
WBCSD’s Responsible Meat Initiative (ReMI) is one example of a forum where businesses are working together in order to define the key issues across the value chain, compile criteria against which progress may be measured, and unlock consumer demand for more responsible products.
Please get in touch at: watkins@wbcsd.org with any questions or comments relating to this content, or to get involved in this important initiative!
Session materials: