Join WBCSD at Climate Week NYC’s events and engagement opportunities

Our window of opportunity to keep the world in a safe operating space is closing rapidly. 2024 started out as the hottest year ever recorded and the world continues to grapple with extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity. Meeting our emissions reduction targets requires the rapid transformation of systems to decarbonize at an unprecedented scale with a key role for business in driving this change. It’s a new era for business. Companies need to match their climate ambition with robust strategies and transition plans to accelerate the systems transformation we urgently need.

To support the growing mobilization for climate, this year we will bring the world’s leading community of sustainable businesses to the heart of Climate Week NYC. Under the theme of It’s Time, Climate Week NYC will seek to energize all stakeholders to drive concrete climate action to push the transition into the mainstream. As a major steppingstone towards the trio of COPs (CBD COP16, UNFCCC COP 29 and UNCCD COP 16) in 2024 and importantly towards COP30 in Belem next year, Climate Week NYC will be a key moment for WBCSD members to sharpen corporate performance and accountability, align on collective priorities and policy asks, as well as catalyze large scale collaboration across value chains.

Organized on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the Summit of the Future, and bringing together business leaders, heads of government and civil society representatives, our engagement at Climate Week NYC will offer a unique opportunity to inject your voice into the strategic global conversations that will shape the future of business. Starting with our Council Meeting 2024 on 22-23 September, we will host a series of impactful boardroom discussions, workshops and social events across the week. With corporate performance and accountability at the foundation, we will address physical risk in value chains, bring together key stakeholders to seek alignment on targets and metrics, explore how nature action can support the delivery of climate goals, engage with the finance sector and deliver steadfast business-led initiatives to create lasting change.

Weekly Program

Below, you can find a list of our events and engagement opportunities at Climate Week NYC.

As our program shapes up, we will be making further updates. Please come back regularly to stay up to date on our plans.

WBCSD Council Meeting 2024 (members-only) 

Other WBCSD events & engagements across Climate Week NYC

24 September 2024

Driving the built environment system to net zero (Council Member track)

Date & Time: 24 September 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 

By invitation only 

This CEO-level Dialogue will showcase leadership actions from business, finance and governments to transform the built environment system to net zero, as we continue to race to reduce the 40% of global emissions attributable to buildings and construction. It will highlight the importance of Whole Life Carbon assessment in investment decision-making to drive action and accountability, and it will explore the expansion of WBCSD’s Market Transformation Action Agenda to the infrastructure value chain. 

This event is by invitation only. For more information, you can reach out to Roland Hunziker at  

PACT's Scope 3 Summit (Council Member track)

Date & Time: 24 September 2024, 14:00 – 17:00 

PACT is thrilled to host its 2nd Scope 3 Summit on September 24 during New York Climate Week. Designed for C-Suite and senior executives (C-Suite -1 and -2) from global corporations and service providers, this event will foster a collaborative environment for leaders to share strategies and insights on tackling Scope 3 emissions.  

Building on PACT’s Implementation Program, attendees will gain valuable knowledge, sharing their journeys and strategies, and leaving empowered to drive actionable progress. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to network with industry peers and contribute to the collective effort in tackling Scope 3 emissions. Register your interest here. 

Growing Tomorrow: Collective leadership in regenerative landscapes (Council Member track)

Date & Time: 24 September 2024, 18:00 – 22:00 

By invitation only

In recent years, regenerative agriculture has emerged as a key solution to reversing climate change, biodiversity loss, and mounting inequality. To bring together the regenerative agriculture community and present a uniting call-to-action for collective efforts, One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B), Regen House, and the Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes, an initiative co-chaired by the COP28 Presidency, WBCSD, and Boston Consulting Group (BCG), and supported by the UN Climate Change High Level Champions will co-host this session.  

Join us to network with stakeholders from the ecosystem, discuss the challenges and opportunities in transitioning from conventional to regenerative and agroecological approaches, and explore the urgent need for a shared north star guiding the transition.   

This event, which includes a standing dinner, will focus on accelerating the transition to regenerative agricultural systems by unveiling a strategic roadmap, exploring innovative financial solutions, aligning environmental and socio-economic outcomes, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, empowering farmers, and driving action through outcome-based metrics and accountability. It offers an ideal networking opportunity within the regenerative agriculture community and features keynote speakers who will share diverse perspectives crucial for advancing this transformative agenda.  

This event is by invitation only. Once you register, your data will be shared with co-hosts to ensure that we can effectively provide you with all the information about the event. For more information contact Anna Takacs at 

Natural climate solutions procurement 101 (Council Member track)

This event is part of the Nature Positive Hub and is designed for businesses seeking a deeper understanding of the critical questions to ask during due diligence in nature-based carbon credits procurement. Each session will be focusing on best practices in the following critical areas of project impact: maximizing health outcomes; gender equality and women’s empowerment; biodiversity conservation; revenue and benefit sharing; human rights and FPIC (Free Prior and Informed Consent). Each session will provide both experts for advice and plenty of space for discussion. 

Instructions for registering for this event will be shared shortly. In the meantime, you can register your interest in attending the Nature Positive Hub events via this link. For more information, you can reach out to Jennicca Gordon at  

25 September 2024

Corporate Performance & Accountability C-Suite roundtable (Council Member track)

Date & Time: 25 September 2024, 09:00 – 11:00 

This roundtable will convene CEOs, CFOs, GCs and finance and legal leaders for a high-level closed-door dialogue. As expectations around corporate performance and accountability continue to rise against the backdrop of increasing physical risk, the finance, legal, and sustainability functions have critical roles to play in leading sustainable business transformations. This cross-functional roundtable, co-hosted with Baker McKenzie, will build on the plenary sessions at WBCSD’s Council Meeting, providing insight and reflection into leading an effective response to near-term physical risk including implications for corporate governance, value chain management and insurance.

As capacity is limited, we encourage you to register your interest as soon as possible so your place can be confirmed at the roundtable, or on the waiting list if capacity has been reached. Please kindly note that attendance is limited to C-suite members. For more information, please contact Catherine Puga at 

Collective for Clean Transport Finance: 2024 Investors roundtable (Council Member track)

Date & Time: 25 September 2024, 13:00 – 14:30 

By invitation only 

This roundtable will convene high-level public officials, corporate chief executive officers, and finance leaders who aspire to accelerate the adoption of clean transport technologies and infrastructure. Public and private sector leaders will learn about investment opportunities in green road freight corridors and be exposed to elected geographies for investments and the blueprint they provide for national-level deployment. The Collective will call upon the participants to convert these emerging opportunities into concrete announcements at COP29 to be realized at COP30. This session will be led by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in partnership with Sustainable Market Initiatives, supported by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Smart Freight Center, as part of the Road Transport Breakthrough Agenda. You can find the preliminary agenda here.

This event is by invitation only. For more information, reach out to Esther Perrin at  

Decarbonizing industrial heat: can you reduce the elephant in the room? (Council Member track)

The session will highlight the importance of industrial heat decarbonization and showcase projects that have successfully used renewable solutions. We will discuss what’s blocking progress and provide an outlook on business practices, policy, and financing approaches to accelerate adoption by 2030. 

The objective of the session is to highlight that action on heat decarbonization is possible today through a presentation of business cases and available policy incentives. Additionally, it will build momentum for a larger global collaborative decarbonization effort to provide companies with a one-stop platform to accelerate adoption. 

Express your interest in joining us through this link. For more information, you can contact Surbhi Singhvi at or Daniel Galis at 

26 September 2024

Circular Economy Futures 2050: Shaping the action agenda (Council Member track)

    Date & Time: 26 September 2024, 07:30 – 12:00 

    By invitation only 

    This event fosters global dialogue and collaboration among leaders, policymakers, scientists, and civil society to advance the circular economy globally. The opening will provide an analysis of global resource management and the need for coordinated circular economy policies. The event will explore the “Circular Economy Futures 2050” policy paper to create a unified vision and actionable pathways for international cooperation in policy, trade, and finance. A follow-up panel will discuss the roles of finance and trade in enabling circularity. The final plenary will present the results of the impact analysis of the Global Circularity Protocol’s transformative impact on climate, nature, and social equity objectives.  

    This event is by invitation only. For more information reach out to Filipe Camaño Garcia at 

    C-suite roundtable on quantification, financial value and sustainability (Council Member track)

    Date & Time: 26 September 2024, 15:00 – 18:00 

    This roundtable will convene corporate leaders, financial institutions, and key stakeholders for a closed-door discussion on the integration of sustainability-related risks and opportunities into strategic financial planning and investment processes. Co-hosted by WBCSD’s Corporate Performance & Accountability program and ERM, the participants will seek to better understand current practices for enterprise and equity value, leverage existing standards and frameworks, use data and metrics, and navigate stakeholder expectations.

    As capacity is limited, we encourage you to register your interest as soon as possible so your place can be confirmed at the roundtable, or on the waiting list if capacity has been reached. For more information, please contact Catherine Puga at 

    Kindly check our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. You can contact for any inquiries.