Join WBCSD at Climate Week NYC’s events and engagement opportunities

Our window of opportunity to keep the world in a safe operating space is closing rapidly. 2024 started out as the hottest year ever recorded and the world continues to grapple with extreme weather events increasing in frequency and intensity. Meeting our emissions reduction targets requires the rapid transformation of systems to decarbonize at an unprecedented scale with a key role for business in driving this change. It’s a new era for business. Companies need to match their climate ambition with robust strategies and transition plans to accelerate the systems transformation we urgently need.

To support the growing mobilization for climate, this year we will bring the world’s leading community of sustainable businesses to the heart of Climate Week NYC. Under the theme of It’s Time, Climate Week NYC will seek to energize all stakeholders to drive concrete climate action to push the transition into the mainstream. As a major steppingstone towards the trio of COPs (CBD COP16, UNFCCC COP 29 and UNCCD COP 16) in 2024 and importantly towards COP30 in Belem next year, Climate Week NYC will be a key moment for WBCSD members to sharpen corporate performance and accountability, align on collective priorities and policy asks, as well as catalyze large scale collaboration across value chains.

Organized on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and the Summit of the Future, and bringing together business leaders, heads of government and civil society representatives, our engagement at Climate Week NYC will offer a unique opportunity to inject your voice into the strategic global conversations that will shape the future of business. Starting with our Council Meeting 2024 on 22-23 September, we will host a series of impactful boardroom discussions, workshops and social events across the week. With corporate performance and accountability at the foundation, we will address physical risk in value chains, bring together key stakeholders to seek alignment on targets and metrics, explore how nature action can support the delivery of climate goals, engage with the finance sector and deliver steadfast business-led initiatives to create lasting change.

Weekly Program

Below, you can find a list of our events and engagement opportunities at Climate Week NYC.

As our program shapes up, we will be making further updates. Please come back regularly to stay up to date on our plans.

WBCSD Council Meeting 2024 (members-only) 

Other WBCSD events & engagements across Climate Week NYC

24 September 2024

Uncovering the impact of the Global Circularity Protocol on climate, nature, and equity goals (Council Member track)

This roundtable, hosted at Deloitte HUB with the support from Circle Economy, the One Planet Network (UNEP) and the WBCSD, will present the impact of the Global Circularity Protocol on business in accelerating climate, nature, equity goals, and business performance. For more information, you can reach out to Filipe Camaño Garcia:

Convening the Regenerative Agriculture Ecosystem: Celebration of 5 Years of OP2B (Council Member track)

Reflection on 5 Years of OP2B: Insights into the evolution of OP2B, including successes, challenges, and lessons learned. For more information, you can reach out to André da Silva Amaral: 

Driving built environment system to net zero (Council Member track)

This CEO-level roundtable will showcase leadership actions towards net zero buildings, highlight the importance of Whole Life Carbon and launch WBCSD’s Market Transformation Action Agenda for Infrastructure as we continue to race to reduce the 37% of global emissions attributable to buildings and construction. For more information, you can reach out to Luca De Giovanetti:

Scope 3 Summit

The Scope 3 Summit will showcase progress made by PACT members in their journey towards supply chain transparency and decarbonization via real case studies shared by members and partners. The event will seek to raise awareness about the successful PACT implementation journeys of leading companies, and how these efforts fit into their wider climate strategies to inspire other companies and initiatives to become PACT collaborators. For more information, you can reach out to Cecilia Valeri: 

AI and sustainability

Given the strong interest in understanding the role of AI in sustainability, this event will seek to engage with members and non-members on the role AI can play in advancing their sustainability performance. For more information, you can reach out to Pepijn Rijvers:

25 September 2024

Agri-food value chains for nature and climate: from incremental improvements to transformative change

This event will discuss what it will take to achieve transformative change across agri-food value chains, aligning and ideating solutions on key topics such as cross-sector partnership, innovation, investment, nature-based carbon credits, metrics and methods, customer-centricity. For more information, you can reach out to Carla Hill:

Corporate Performance & Accountability C-Suite roundtable (Council Member track)

This roundtable will convene members of the CFO Network, Finance and legal leaders for a high-level closed-door dialogue. As expectations around corporate performance and accountability continue to rise, the finance, legal and sustainability functions have critical roles to play in leading sustainable business transformations. This cross-functional roundtable will allow for frank discussions around challenges in collaborating and best practices in building capacity internally and leading cross-functional collaboration. For more information, you can reach out to Catherine Puga: 

Clean transport technologies and infrastructure CEO and investor roundtable (Council Member track)

This CEO roundtable will convene high-level public officials, corporate chief executive officers, and finance leaders who aspire to accelerate the adoption of clean transport technologies and infrastructure. For more information, you can reach out to Thomas Deloison:

Decarbonizing industrial heat: can you reduce the elephant in the room?

This session will highlight the importance of industrial heat decarbonization and showcase projects that have been successful in decarbonizing heat using renewable solutions. It will discuss what’s blocking progress and provide an outlook of business practices, policy and financing approaches to accelerate adoption by 2030. For more information, you can reach out to Celine Le Goazigo:

26 September 2024

C-suite roundtable on quantification, financial value and sustainability (Council Member track)

This roundtable will see the initial release and a high-level discussion on the financial analysis framework, supporting integration of sustainability related risks and opportunities in strategic financial planning and investment processes understanding enterprise and equity value. For more information, you can reach out to Luke Blower:

Shaping the future of circularity: accelerating climate, nature and social equity goals through a Global Circularity Protocol for Business

This session will champion the importance of circularity and showcase how businesses can contribute through the adoption of the Global Circularity Protocol for Business. For more information, you can reach out to Filipe Camaño Garcia: 

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